Smokeless Day promotion activity

Recently, our city launched a World No Smoking Day promotion activity at Haimayuan Junior High School in Jianghai District, further enhancing the awareness of smoking as harmful to health among primary and secondary school students, creating a smoke-free growth environment, and promoting the healthy growth of young people.

In the field of disease prevention and control, tobacco control is a key focus, and adolescent tobacco control intervention and monitoring are of utmost importance in tobacco control work. The construction of smoke-free schools is of great significance for protecting the physical and mental health of young people, creating a healthy and civilized educational environment, and promoting the development of good behavior habits among young people.

"Health literacy needs to be improved, and healthy behaviors need to be practiced..." At the event, student representatives led the reading of the Health Literacy Initiative. Subsequently, a special lecture on smoking control and health literacy titled "Starting from Me, Stay Away from Tobacco" was held on-site, introducing potential adverse effects such as "e-cigarettes" and "cigarette card games". Parents and schools were urged to strengthen their children's health literacy education, popularize knowledge about the harm of "e-cigarettes" to their health, guide children to stay away from "e-cigarettes" and "cigarette card games", and protect the physical and mental health of adolescents.

The activity also set up a prize winning knowledge quiz to attract students to actively participate. Finally, all the students attending the event participated in the "Actively Improving Health Literacy, Stay Away from Tobacco, and Protect Health" signing activity, and everyone pledged to promote healthy living and a smoke-free environment.

Through this activity, students have deepened their understanding of the hazards of tobacco, raised their awareness of smoking bans in public places, and committed to contributing to the consolidation of the achievements of our city as a national healthy and civilized city, and jointly creating a beautiful, clean, and healthy living environment.

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