Contemporary Famous Painted Fan Exhibition

The "Fanyi China: The Most Beautiful Fan - Contemporary Famous Fan Painting Exhibition" opened at the Municipal Art Museum, showcasing 528 contemporary famous fan works.

It is reported that fan painting is a special form of traditional Chinese painting, dating back to the Han, Jin, Tang, and Song dynasties. Due to its unique form and unique techniques, it has been favored by literati painters throughout history. This exhibition focuses on fan painting, a special form of Chinese painting, which is one of the unique exhibitions held in our city in recent years. It is exhibited in four exhibition halls, divided into 14 special topics, and comprehensively presents the wonderful works of contemporary Chinese painting masters on the fan surface, leading the audience to deeply appreciate the unique charm of Chinese fan painting art.

"A small fan has a big world," commented Cai Yonghua, Vice Dean of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts and Vice Chairman of the Provincial Artists Association. The practical value of fan painting art has gradually weakened, but its subtle and profound features have more artistic appreciation value in contemporary times. Through these fan paintings, one can feel the painter's love for the landscape of their motherland and their longing for a better life.

This exhibition is jointly organized by the Provincial Chinese Painting Society, Contemporary Lingnan Art Research Institute, Municipal Art Museum, and Contemporary Academy Style Art Museum. The exhibition will last until May 12th, and citizens can visit for free.

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