Theme Reading Sharing Meeting

Recently, the city library held a "Book Fragrance and Coffee" themed reading sharing event, where citizens and readers drank coffee, chatted about literature, and enjoyed their reading time together.

The "Book Fragrance and Coffee" themed reading sharing event is a brand activity of the city library, which has been carried out continuously for many years and has received enthusiastic responses. This year's event was launched in a synchronous manner of online book recommendations and offline reading sharing, attracting over 500 followers and participants.

This offline activity focuses on "coffee culture popularization+leisure reading+internet celebrity check-in", with four major segments set up: promoting coffee culture in Qiaodu, award-winning coffee knowledge Q&A, tasting coffee, and sharing coffee literature, presenting readers with a fashionable reading experience.

The event invited professional baristas to give lectures on coffee culture to readers, explaining the historical background and development prospects of Jiangmen coffee culture, as well as the production techniques and techniques of self-service coffee, hand brewed coffee, and creative coffee. The coffee literature sharing session allows everyone to freely express their reading experiences and personal feelings.

The person in charge of the municipal library stated that in the future, the library will continue to strengthen communication and cooperation with the outside world, jointly promote universal reading, and create a good atmosphere of loving reading, reading good books, and being good at reading.

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