The "Jiangmen Experience" has been recognized

The diversified resolution of overseas Chinese disputes, organized by the China Federation of Overseas Chinese, will be held in Jiangmen today. Yesterday, nearly a hundred delegates from all over the country visited the Overseas Chinese Museum, Jiangmen Intermediate People's Court, Jianghai District People's Court, and Jiangmen Center of Shenzhen International Arbitration Court to gain a deeper understanding of the rich historical and cultural heritage of overseas Chinese in Jiangmen, the "Empowerment of Overseas Chinese" project, and innovative practices in serving and safeguarding the rights of overseas Chinese. This marked the beginning of the promotion of diversified resolution of overseas Chinese disputes.

In recent years, Jiangmen has deeply promoted the "Empowerment of Overseas Chinese Capital" project, optimized legal services related to overseas Chinese, timely and effectively responded to the concerns of overseas Chinese, continuously improved its function of safeguarding the interests of overseas Chinese in accordance with the law, and enhanced the sense of legal acquisition and satisfaction of overseas Chinese. The Jiangmen Center of Shenzhen International Arbitration Court is a regional arbitration work platform jointly built by Shenzhen and Jiangmen. It has created the first regional arbitration development model in China that integrates "branch offices+independent institutions", and is committed to creating a new highland for safeguarding the rights and interests of overseas Chinese. Here, the attending representatives visited the central exhibition hall, arbitration courtroom, etc., carefully listened to the introduction and raised questions about the arbitration matters of concern. Upon learning that the Jiangmen Center of the Shenzhen International Arbitration Court has established three major dispute resolution platforms, including the International Commercial Mediation Center for Overseas Chinese, to provide professional, efficient, and convenient dispute resolution services for overseas Chinese worldwide. In 2023, a total of 238 cases were handled, and the attending representatives praised them.

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