Promote transformation

The Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau, the Municipal Charity Association, and the Taikang Yicai Public Welfare Foundation jointly held a donation ceremony for the "Charity Building and Yicai Walking Together" Taikang Yicai Public Welfare Foundation Jiangmen Special Difficulty Elderly Family Aging Rehabilitation Project. Vice Mayor Cao Yang attended the ceremony.

At the donation ceremony, the Taikang Yicai Public Welfare Foundation donated 2 million yuan to support the Jiangmen Charity Foundation's "Charity Building Site" home renovation project for families in need. The plan is to provide targeted home care and aging adaptation services for more than 600 families with special needs in Jiangmen city.

Cao Yang stated at the donation ceremony that the Municipal Party Committee and Government attach great importance to the development of elderly care services and actively explore medical and elderly care service models. In 2022, they were selected for the National Home and Community Basic Elderly Care Service Improvement Action Project and utilized central special funding to promote the aging adaptation of families with special difficulties. Since 2021, 3176 households with special difficulties have completed the home aging adaptation transformation, Effectively improving the safety and convenience of home life for elderly people with special difficulties. The Taikang Yicai Public Welfare Foundation actively promotes the development of charitable and public welfare undertakings, demonstrating social responsibility and achievements. It is hoped that the foundation will continue to support the development of elderly care in Jiangmen and make new contributions to the harmonious social development of Jiangmen City.

During the event, after the representative of Yicai Public Welfare Foundation submitted a donation check to the representative of Jiangmen Charity Foundation, Cao Yang returned commemorative items to Liu Hongbo, the director of Taikang Yicai Public Welfare Foundation and vice president of Taikang Elderly Care.

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