Exhibition of calligraphy and painting works

Recently, the award ceremony and opening ceremony of the 2023 "Feiyang Meizai Youth Striving to Be a Role Model of the Times" themed education exhibition organized by the Jiangmen City Concern for the Next Generation Work Committee were held by the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, showcasing nearly 180 calligraphy and painting works of overseas Chinese youth, showcasing their spiritual style and artistic talent.

It is understood that this calligraphy and painting exhibition has attracted a large number of calligraphy and painting enthusiasts to actively participate. After screening, various schools, training centers, and relevant units in the Jiangmen area have selected nearly 600 calligraphy and painting works with diverse forms and distinct styles to the project working group of this event. Finally, after being evaluated by professional judges and teachers, 4 special prizes, 8 first prizes, 12 second prizes, and 286 third prizes were awarded. Some of the works were exhibited in this exhibition.

Wang Shuxing, Director of the Municipal Customs Commission, stated that in the future, more young people will be mobilized to approach art and make literature and art more vibrant; Focusing on the theme of ideological and political education, we should listen to the opinions of the masses, especially young people, and combine them with reality to innovate in form and maintain vitality.

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