Summary Symposium

Recently, the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau held a summary symposium on the 2023 Jiangmen Industrial Engineer "Youth" Research Activity - Tsinghua University Doctoral Student Social Practice Activity. Vice Mayor Zhou Peishan attended the symposium.

Since late June, 12 doctoral students from Tsinghua University have been conducting a 6-week social practice activity in Jiangmen. The symposium reviewed the rich practical experience of Tsinghua students in conducting research and project research in various levels of units, schools, and enterprises, conducting research and visits to cultural attractions, major research platforms, and key industry chain backbone enterprises, actively participating in campus lectures, themed party days, and other activities, fully demonstrating Tsinghua students' pragmatic work attitude and positive spirit.

Zhou Peishan fully affirmed the practical achievements. She stated that this social practice activity is a new step in our city's in-depth talent exchange and cooperation with universities such as Tsinghua University. She hopes that Tsinghua students can further promote Jiangmen and attract more Tsinghua students to practice and work in Jiangmen. Each practical unit should strengthen communication and connection with practical students, and promote the implementation and effectiveness of various practical projects.

Next, the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau will further promote all-round cooperation between our city and universities such as Tsinghua University, promote more young students to enter Jiangmen and enterprises, continue to provide talent services, attract more high-level young talents to start businesses and find employment in Jiangmen, and provide intellectual and talent support for our city to build a new round of high-quality manufacturing development main battlefield in the province.

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